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Thumbnail Picture of Blochman's Live-forever

Blochman's Live-forever

Dudleya blochmaniae ssp. blochmaniae

Family: Crassulaceae (STONECROP).
Other common names: Blochman's Dudleya.
Generic common name: DUDLEYA, LIVEFOREVER.

Location: Zuma/Trancas Canyons: Lower Zuma, Ocean View Trail, sage scrub, June 2005.

Characteristics: Native, White, Small, Medium, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Perennial, Late Spring.

Status:  C N P S  List 1B.1.

Detailed Picture 1 of Blochman's Live-forever

Detailed Picture 2 of Blochman's Live-forever

Detailed Picture 3 of Blochman's Live-forever

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