< Slender Pectocarya   Yellow-throated Phacelia >

Thumbnail Picture of Winged Pectocarya

Winged Pectocarya

Pectocarya penicillata

Family: Boraginaceae (BORAGE).
Other common names: sleeping combseed, winged comb seed.
Generic common name: COMBSEED.

Location: Cheeseboro/Palo Comado Canyons: China Flat Trail, chaparral, March 2008.

Characteristics: Native, White, Small, Clusters, Simple, Herbaceous, Annual, Early Spring.

Detailed Picture 1 of Winged Pectocarya

Detailed Picture 2 of Winged Pectocarya

Detailed Picture 3 of Winged Pectocarya

Detailed Picture 4 of Winged Pectocarya

Detailed Picture 5 of Winged Pectocarya

Detailed Picture 6 of Winged Pectocarya

Detailed Picture 7 of Winged Pectocarya

< Slender Pectocarya   Yellow-throated Phacelia >
