< Laurel Sumac   Lemonadeberry >

Thumbnail Picture of Basket Brush

Basket Brush

Rhus aromatica

TJM1: Rhus trilobata.

Family: Anacardiaceae (SUMAC, CASHEW).
Other common names: skunk bush, skunkbush sumac.
Generic common name: SUMAC.

Location: Backbone Trail between Zuma Ridge Trail and Kanan Trailhead, riparian woodland, April 2004.

Characteristics: Native, White, Yellow, Green, Small, Clusters, Simple, Woody, Perennial, Early Spring.

Detailed Picture 1 of Basket Brush

Detailed Picture 2 of Basket Brush

Detailed Picture 3 of Basket Brush
Closely related to poison oak, but notice the lack of a distinct stem on the terminal leaflet and red berries

Detailed Picture 4 of Basket Brush
Fall colors

< Laurel Sumac   Lemonadeberry >
